linux services

proactive instead of reactive!

managed it services solutions

Proactive approach saving your company valuable time and costly expenses!

what are the benefits of  managed it services?

Productivity – when your technology fails, your business is losing money. On average, an employee loses 18.6 hours per year due to unexpected downtime either from server or network interruption. Implementing managed IT services reduced downtime by 85%.
Team of experts – one person can’t know everything. By utilizing a managed services provider you have a team of experts to solve the most complicated technical issues that arise.
More strategic in-house IT – when working with organizations that have an IT department in-house, we become a partner, not a replacement. When managed services are utilized, in-house IT staff can become more focused on strategic objectives and not worry about the day-to-day activities that become a distraction.
Cost effectiveness –many small to medium sized businesses don’t have access to the type of technology that bigger companies have. Utilizing managed services, SMB’s have access to similar technology which allows them to be more competitive.

What are managed services?

It is the proactive approach to managing your IT infrastructure to improve efficiency, workflow and alleviate unexpected downtime. The management of IT is vital to a business’s operations today. Keeping up with your IT operations can be difficult and expensive while also distracting you from your business.

Learn More:
What are the signs you may be ready to outsource to a managed IT services provider?
The IT workload keeps piling up - IT departments continue to find themselves struggling to keep up with their daily workload due to the continual influx of projects and ever changing technologies. By hiring a managed services provider, the IT department's workload is decreased allowing staff more time to focus on company operations and become more efficient.
IT unable to meet daily service demands - More and more companies hire IT staff having generalized rather than specialized skillsets. When projects arise requiring a specific skill, this places a strain upon current IT staff and takes away from daily service demands being completed. A managed services provider can alleviate the added demand by taking care of the service demands, providing the specialized IT skills needed for project or both.
Protecting sensitive information - Managed services providers can ensure sensitive or critical data is protected at all times whether it is transmitted, stored or accessed. Information ranging from financial records to protected health information is secure while complying with required regulations such as HIPAA.
Low IT budget - Are you considering hiring another IT professional? If yes, consider outsourcing to a managed services provider. You will pay a fixed fee for services and will not have the additional overhead for an employee such as employer contributions to health insurance, 401k, social security, Medicare, etc.

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